Duco Projects

NL Alle modellen zijn parametrisch aan te passen. Afhankelijk van de specifieke projecteisen, zijn er mogelijk technische kansen of belemmeringen aan het p...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 2:06 PM
Available products - Dutch
De volgende producten zijn opgenomen in de bibliotheek: Intensieve ventilatie Muur- en raamroosters - DucoGrille Lamellenwandsystemen - DucoWall Arch...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 2:09 PM
Available products - English
The following products are included in this library: Intensive ventilation Wall and window louvres - DucoGrille Continuous louvre walls - DucoWall Ar...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 3:14 PM
Using the families: DucoGrille - English
DucoGrille Placing the louvre The louvres are easy to place on a face. Position can easily be adjusted using the Move and Align function. The height of th...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 2:47 PM
Using the families: DucoWall - English
Family Package The DucoWall is a louvre wall that is defined in a Family Package. A Package is a Revit Project (template) with the different Types. For the...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 2:52 PM
Using the families: Vertical Architectural Sun Control – DucoSun - English
Family Package The Vertical Architectural Sun Control - DucoSun is a louvre wall that is defined in a Family Package. A Package is a Revit Project (templat...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 2:56 PM
Using the families: Horizontal Architectural Sun Control – DucoSun - English
Placement Curtain Wall  The Horizontal Architectural Sun Control - DucoSun are easy to place on a Work Plane - Level. It’s a line based Family. Position ca...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 3:00 PM
Using the families: DucoSlide - English
Placing sliding panels To create a complete sliding system in Revit you need to load and place following families: RSen_41_GM_LB_rail_gen_duco projects ...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 3:07 PM
Loading families - English
To define the different types the familie uses type Catalogs. These allow you to only load the desired types of a particular product in your project, result...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 3:09 PM
Face-Based families - English
The families of the DUCO PROJECTS products are face-based. I.e. that they are very generic and placing them is easy, even when working with linked models. F...
Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 3:14 PM