Placing sliding panels
To create a complete sliding system in Revit you need to load and place following families:
- RSen_41_GM_LB_rail_gen_duco projects
- RSen_41_GM_LB_mounting system_gen_duco projects
and at least one of the following:
- RSen_41_GM_FB_sliding panel - linear - SH_gen_ducoprojects
- RSen_41_GM_FB_sliding panel - ellips - SH_gen_ducoprojects
- RSen_41_GM_FB_sliding panel - screen - SH_gen_duco projects
To place families select them from Project Browser
- RSen_41_GM_LB_rail_gen_duco projects – rail is a line based family and it will be a host for the mounting system family. Before you will place the family, please choose a rail type (you can always change it in future as well), eg:
- rail - sliding_gen_rail ,
- rail x 2 - sliding_gen_rail,
- rail x 3 - sliding_gen_rail,
- rail - folding panels_gen_rail
- As a next step you need to place the family “RSen_41_GM_LB_mounting system_gen_duco projects” on the rail.
- Now within the “mounting system” family you should choose mounting type, eg:
- individually sliding_gen_mounting system,
- symmetrically sliding_gen_mounting system,
- telescopically sliding_gen_mounting system,
- folding panels_gen_mounting system
- Now you can change sliding panel for one you want with click on “mounting system” and change “RSen_C_panel” parameter in Properties window by choosing from drop-list the one you load before into Project.
- Now you can change the values under “Dimensions”. By setting those values you will adjust size of the sliding panel family
Placing sliding system in 3 steps:
Configure your system:
Rail is a basic family used as a host for “mounting system”.
There are 4 types of the rail:
- rail – sliding_gen_rail – for individual and symmetrical sliding systems
- rail x 2 – sliding_gen_rail – for telescopic sliding systems on 2 rails
- rail x 3 – sliding_gen_rail – for telescopic sliding systems on 3 rails
- rail – folding panels_gen_rail – for bifold sliding systems
Main dimension of the rail, which should be defined by user is height, which should be change with ‘RSen_C_height’ parameter in Properties window.
‘RSen_C_height’ defines and calculates ‘WT_I Panel_height’ parameter which provides height of the sliding panels families.
Another parameter which allows to edit rail is ‘WT_V Rail_offset’ which define offset between rails in telescopically systems (with 2 or 3 rails). This value depends from the sliding panels dimensions : depths of the frame and blades; and allows for good working methodology of the sliding panels system.
User if needed can also turn on the reference plane for the mounting system, by choosing the ‘WT_V Reference plane’.
There are also an extra annotation with a “front” word, which shows front side of sliding panels system. This annotation can be easily turn on/off with ‘RSen_C_annotation’ parameter or offset from the rail in y direction by ‘WT_V Annotation_displacement in y direction’ parameter (both in Properties window).
Mounting System
In your project select one of the following types:
- individually sliding_gen_mounting system
- symmetrically sliding_gen_mounting system
- telescopically sliding_gen_mounting system
- folding panels_gen_mounting system
Keep in mind to select corresponding type of rail and mounting system.
Set your basic values for the sliding panel, by using following parameters:
- RSen_C_length
- RSen_C_height - in family “rail” you will find the instance parameter “WT_I Panel_height” under “Model Properties” which will indicate you the correct value
Instance parameters:
- RSen_C_additional_blade – allows to add to sliding panels some extra blades
- RSen_C_alignment_index - defines sliding panel position on placing it (center, left or right)
- RSen_C_blade_inclination - change blades inclination
- RSen_C_folding_panel_depth – in folding system defines offset between 2 sliding panels, when folding panels are open
- RSen_C_opening_index - in folding system allows to open (value ≠ 0) or close folding system (value = 0)
- RSen_C_panel - allows to change sliding panel type
- RSen_C_placement_index - in telescopically system defines on which rail sliding panel is placed:
- RSen_C_placement_index < 1 - rail 1
- RSen_C_placement_index = 2 - rail 2
- RSen_C_placement_index > 2 - rail 3
Note: always place the mounting system on the first rail (WT_V Reference plane) and then change the position.
- RSen_C_rail_offset - please be aware that the value should be the same as in the rail family (WT_V Rail_offset)
Sliding Panel Types
In your mounting system you can select any sliding panel type you want, by the parameter ‘RSen_C_panel’, this will allow you to choose correct panel with blade shape:
- RSen_41_GM_FB_sliding panel - screen - SH_gen_duco projects = fixscreen
- RSen_41_GM_FB_sliding panel - linear - SH_gen_ducoprojects = rectangular blade
- RSen_41_GM_FB_sliding panel - ellips - SH_gen_duco projects = ellips blade
Set your basic values for the sliding panel, by using following parameters:
- RSen_C_length
- RSen_C_height - it’s defined by rail and should be the same as in rail family ‘WT_I Panel_height’
CAUTION do not create types based on dimensions. These values are instance and will be overwritten in the mounting system in the project.