Placement Curtain Wall
The Horizontal Architectural Sun Control - DucoSun are easy to place on a Work Plane - Level. It’s a line based Family. Position can easily be adjusted using the ‘Move’ and ‘Align’ function. The position of the louver can be set by using the Offset Parameter in the Properties window.
Depending on the Detail Level settings in the view, the louvre might looks different. In “Medium” and “Coarse” a simplified representation is displayed. In “Fine” the louvre is shown like in reality.
Depending on the direction you draw, the Horizontal Architectural Sun Control - DucoSun will be positioned differently.
Depth of the louvre
By default the depth of the louvre is 1000 cm ( 1 m ).
The depth can be freely changed by User using a ‘RSen_C_depth_index’ parameter in Properties Window.
Maximum depth for the Horizontal Architectural Sun Control DucoSun is set on 3 meters.
Mullion structure
Mullion structure of the Horizontal Architectural Sun Control - DucoSun by default is turned off. You can turn on mullions, by clicking the instance parameter ‘RSen_C_mullion_structure’.
Use picture below to configure your mullion structure
- RSen_C_mullion_middle_max_offset - this value allow to set maximum offset between middle mullions
- RSen_C_mitred_corner_angle_right & RSen_C_mitred_corner_angle_left - defines angle on edges of the system ( You can set “+” or “-” values)
- RSen_C_mullion_right_edge_connection & RSen_C_mullion_left_edge_connection - add extra mullion for mitred connections
- RSen_C_mullion_right_offset & RSen_C_mullion_left_offset - set offset from the edges of the system
All parameters are Instance Parameters and are available in Properties window.
Fascia profile
The Horizontal Architectural Sun Control - DucoSun has certain features that can be customized by the user as desired. When you double click on a Type in the Project Browser or Edit Type of an instance you will see the Type Properties.
For example: You can add Fascia profile, by parameter WT_V Fascia profile:
- 0 = turn off
- 1 = turn on
Fascia profile dimensions
Use pictures below to configure your Fascia profile size
- Mullion face will offset automatically from Fascia profile.
- WT_V Fascia profile_position – set value to offset the fascia profile from the bottom of mullions.
There are also an Instance parameters which allows to turn on/off Fascia profiles on left/right sides of the Horizontal Architectural Sun Control - DucoSun if needed:
- WT_V Fascia profile_left
- WT_V Fascia profile_right
Using the louvre
For all Horizontal Architectural Sun Control - DucoSun there are numbers of options. Some options can be set for each louver placed separately (instance parameters). Other for each type of the louver (type parameter). These parameters are grouped under "Construction".
Instance parameters:
- RSen_C_mullion_middle_max_offset - this value allow to set maximum offset between middle mullions
- RSen_C_mitred_corner_angle_right & RSen_C_mitred_corner_angle_left - defines angle on edges of the system ( You can set “+” or “-” values)
- RSen_C_mullion_right_edge_connection & RSen_C_mullion_left_edge_connection - add extra mullion for mitred connections
- RSen_C_mullion_right_offset & RSen_C_mullion_left_offset - set offset from the edges of the system
- RSen_C_mullion_structure - turns on/off mullion structure
- WT_V Fascia profile_left & WT_V Fascia profile_right - turn on/off Fascia profiles on sides edges of the system (Fascia profiles must be first defined in type of the louvre)
Materials and Finishes
The parameters grouped under "Materials and Finishes" allow the louvre to be adjusted to the desired materials and colors.
- RSen_C_material_01: blades material settings
- RSen_C_material_01: mullions (support profiles) material settings