Daikin developed an MVP (minimal viable product*) to enable construction professionals like you to design, check and validate a specific BIM model containing Daikin units, which are connected in a logical MEP system. 

The MVP contains 2 tools, one being a "Validate VRV"-tool, which checks the designed units on several conditions, the other one being "Export WebEpress", which allows to export the model status to a .json-file, which can then again be imported in VRV WebExpress. 

In this article you will find redirects to more information about the architecture of the software, and also a demo explanation about the "Happy Flow", with which we refer to an optimal flow of using the tool in a specific BIM model. In Addition, you can find a Step-by-step Guide on how to apply this flow in practice.

Software architecture 

Happy flow for designing

Step-by-step Guide

* in the future, the tool will be more advanced based on your feedback.