Daikin Website
On the Daikin website, you can browse through the Daikin products in the Product Finder, where more information can be found on product information level.
Daikin BIM Application Suite
If you wish to use the Daikin product in your BIM environment, you can navigate to the Daikin BIM Application Suite and browse through the Daikin products which can then be downloaded, loaded, placed in your BIM model.
Daikin plugin for Autodesk Revit
The Daikin BIM Application Suite allows you to be directly linked with your Revit environment, which allows to directly download, load and/or place BIM objects in your Revit project environment.
Next to this functionality, additional tools are added to optimise your design workflow. See all articles in the folder "The Daikin Plugin" for more information on all tools developed specifically for Daikin objects and workflows.
New! The newest addition since 2022 is the development of the System tab, with the specific "Check" and "Export WebXpress" tools. These tools are developed to allow you to check and validate your modeled /designed system. More information on this has been described in a "Happy Flow". You can find more information on step 1, step 2 and step 3 of this "Happy Flow".
Daikin VRV WebXpress
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