We provide multiple tools to Design our Wall Solutions



After Loading products from Wall Solutions you can draw these with Curtain Walls types, eg. “JANS_32.40_CWA_LB_JSlim-Wall-39mm-10mm-36dB_JWS_BERSnl”

Note: Multiple elements will be loaded into the project. Make use of the ‘Wall’ types as main element.


We advise following flow to make optimal use of the tools:

  1. Select door
     Select a door on the Group Jansen Suite of a selected wall and load it into your project
  2. Add door
     Place a door on a selected wall
  3. Edit door
     Edit the position or size of the selected door
  4. Remove door
     Remove the selected door from a wall
  5. Select wall color
     Select a color on the Group Jansen Suite of a selected wall and load it into your project
  6. Set wall color
     Set a color on a the selected wall elements
  7. Set door color
     Set a color on the selected doors
  8. Glass panel division
     Apply a Vertical Grid division on the selected walls
  9. Join T connection
     Before using this tool it is advised to first add doors and set colors. Make a T connection for the 2 selected wall elements
  10. Join corner connection
     Before using this tool it is advised to first add doors and set colors and make the T connections. Make a corner for the 2 selected wall elements
  11. After adding T and corner connections top and bottom mullions will be deleted (depending on the product). The user should replace these mullions on those walls were the top and bottom mullion has been removed. Afterwards the ‘Clean up mullions’ tool can be used.
  12. Clean up mullions
     Before using this tool it’s adviced to first make the corner and T connections. The tool will remove unneeded mullions on selected walls. 
  13. Set connection mullions color
     Before using this tool it’s adviced to first make the corner and T connections. Set the color of the mullions on the selected walls.