When you have an issue, discovered a bug or have an optimization for the platform you can leave a ticket at the Support Page.

1) In order to leave a ticket you have to be sign in. Click on "Log in" at the top of this page. 

    Follow the instructions in this article on how to sign in.

    Once signed in, click on the "support icon" at the bottom left corner of the online application. You will be redirected to the support page: https://thorbiq.freshdesk.com/support/home


2) When you are signed in. You will see following at the support page and click on "New Support Ticket" to leave a ticket 

You can fill in the form and give a good description about the problem, issue, bug or optimization.  

When you want to report a Revit Framework issue, it is usefull to give us your log files as an attachment (see this article on how to find your log files).

Once you have submitted your ticket, we will answser you as fast as possible. At the "Tickets" tab, you can see the status of all your tickets.