Most of the ThorbiQ Application Suites provide the user the ability to easily select and filter their used elements in the current project. For example objects, wall types, floor types, ceiling types, but also materials. A used material is a material that is part of a layer inside a wall type (floor type, ceiling type,...) which is used (placed) in the project.
You can find those functions at the Selector panel of the manufacturer's ribbon.
The top button (“Filter”) provides you the ability to filter all manufacturer specific elements (here Interalu) of the current selection. When you have multiple elements in selection and press the Filter button only Interalu elements remain in selection.
If however you don’t have any element in selection, this button serves as a selector where you are able to draw a rectangle and where only Interalu elements are selectable.
The result of the “Select all Interalu elements in entire project” tool is a complete selection of all manufacturer specific elements used in the model.
The result of the “Select all Interalu elements in the current view” however is only a selection of elements in the current view.