With ThorbiQ you can load a material, ceiling type, floor type or wall type directly into you project without saving it first on your hard drive. 

In order to Load a material into your current Revit project you should be connected and go to the Online Application Suite (see previous articles). Loading a material is only applicable for Online Application Suites that provides Materials (for example Foamglas, Interalu. Iko,...). The principles are the same as Loading an object (see article).

Find the correct material at the Online Application by using the filters and selecting the desired result(s).

When hovering over a result you can press this button to load the material directly into your project. Go to your revit project and a popup appear. At this moment the Material of your selected result is loaded into your project.


To find the material (here BERSnl_n1_dichting_IKO base P3 T/T_IKO nv) you should use the Material Browser in Revit. 

It’s also possible to load multiple result into your project by selecting multiple result in the Online Application and press the “load” button on top.

Loading a material into your project doesn’t mean it’s being used.  To use the material into a wall you have to edit the structure of the wall (see autodesk help article

In the Foamglas Revit plugin there is the hidden feature to automatically insert the loaded material into a selected wall.

When you have a wall in selection with a Thermal/Air layer and you do a load material from the Online Application of Foamglas. The material is loaded and added directly in the thermal/Air layer of the selected element.

Loading a material is a feature from the ThorbiQ Framework and can be used for all suites. This means that when you have for example installed the Grada plugin you can load a material from the IKO Online Application.