
  • Signed installers
  • Bug fixes & optimisations


  • Revit 2021 support
  • Revit 2017 is deprecated
  • Bug fixes & optimisations
  • Migration to websockets - previous versions of framework will not work anymore
  • Load neutral Daikin


  • Bug fixes: load generic, other small fixes
  • Knowledge base links now point to the correct locations
  • Download data, Item page viewer (materials): now supports multiple materials in a generic system
  • Soudal Suite: Support for new annexes RSes (Spanish) and RSit (Italian)
  • B.E.G. Suite: addition of contextual panel
  • Unihouse: improvements on tools


  • Bug fixes
  • Load Neutral Jaga


  • Bug fixes
  • Capacity up/down Daikin


  • Bug fix load/load and place system type elements
  • logging/registering/storing all the executed Tools for each ThorbiQ User


  • Create installer For Revit Release 2020 and an appropriate message is shown.
  • Revit Release 2016 is deprecated.
  • Bug Fixes and optimizations for several tools.


  • First release of Soudal Suite.
  • Implement Show Item page tool for Daikin, Jaga, Interalu, Soudal. This tool is located contextual ribbon of the manufacture and redirects you to the Item page of the selected element.


    BIM Production

  • Add Configure button (Default and contextual). This tool Redirects you to the Configurator where you can easily configure the selected windows 


  • Bug fixes and optimizations
  • Improve check different annex (language, region) of elements in current project. It's not recommended to have elements with different annexes (languages) in your project.


  • Add Single Sign on to sign in. Sign in with google or ThorbiQ credentials not possible anymore on Daikin ribbon. You need the sign in with Daikin ID.
  • Still possible to be connected with other suites.


  • Improve Google Sign in, authentication, visualization,..
  • Bug fixes and optimizations
  • Sign In foreign Characters
  • improve Load/Load and place Objects with Photometric web files (.IES)


  • Improve, Optimize Alignment tool.


  • Add welcome screen
  • Improve messages after executing Tools
  • Improve stability of Revit connection
  • "Download" Tool in Add-inns tab
    • Download the data of selected ThorbiQ elements. See description in Revit Framework
  • General Bug Fixes and optimizations and improve performance of tools



  • Optimization Mirror/Paste Aligned
    • add hosting on rotated Linked Models, hosting on Family instances


  • Improve Load and place System families


  • improve Load object, performance


  • general Bug Fixes and optimizations